Everyone is Welcome!
The Greenfield Community Choir, Inc., is a non-auditioned, mixed ensemble of people who love to sing. Anyone can join the group, and new members are certainly welcome at any time.
The choir contains members of all ages and all personalities. We have energetic, fast-paced rehearsals that are loads of fun. We meet in the fellowship hall at Greenfield Christian Church on Tuesday evenings from 7:00-9:00 (23 N East St, Greenfield, IN 46140). Just show up and we will give you music and sit you by a friendly face that sings your part.
In order to help fund the group's activities, each member pays dues of $50 per semester. However, no one is turned away if dues cannot be paid due to financial hardship.
The choir contains members of all ages and all personalities. We have energetic, fast-paced rehearsals that are loads of fun. We meet in the fellowship hall at Greenfield Christian Church on Tuesday evenings from 7:00-9:00 (23 N East St, Greenfield, IN 46140). Just show up and we will give you music and sit you by a friendly face that sings your part.
In order to help fund the group's activities, each member pays dues of $50 per semester. However, no one is turned away if dues cannot be paid due to financial hardship.